PS3 Tools

PS3 ISO Tools

Hi, friends in this article I am going to tell you about the PS3 ISO Tools all in one tool. The reason for this article is my users only. They are time to time asking me for the PS3 ISO Tools, so in this collection, I am trying to fulfill their requirements. Besides that, I am regularly uploading jailbreak files, PS3 and PS4 tools, software, games, and much more for free. I am a big game lover so I want to try to make happy all other game lovers.

In PS3 ISO Tools you can easily generate ISO, Join split ISO, ISO Modifier, and many more functions. It means you can do several different ISO reared functions in a single tool. Further, whenever you try to perform any process please read the complete article carefully. The error has only occurred when you miss any step of the process. Now below is the table in which I separately explain the function of each point, please read them. So let’s start.

Latest Release:

  • Bug Fix: Fixed the sometimes strange conduct of the patch checkbox
  • Selectable firmware range is currently up to 4.76
  • Auto and online – labels could now be added to ISO-filenames
ISO-Generator Convert PS3-Folder-Format-Games 2 PS3-ISO-Format-Games (split big-files will be joined)
ISO-Extractor Convert PS3-ISO-Format-Games 2 PS3-Folder-Format-Games (big-files will be optionally split)
ISO-Splitter Split single PS3-ISOs for use on a FAT32 device (.iso.0, .iso.1, …etc)
ISO-Joiner Join split PS3-ISOs into single PS3-ISOs
ISO-Modifier Rename single or split PS3-ISOs according to game-info found in “PARAM.SFO”-file to hide/unhide parts of split ISOs (.iso.1, .iso.2, …etc) to extract and save “PARAM.SFO” and “ICON0.PNG” as “[ISO-name].SFO” respectively “[ISO-name].PNG” within ISO-folder
ISO-Patcher Patch single or split PS3-ISOs to a lower firmware version (down to 4.21)
Some Notes about PS3 ISO Tools:
  • It’s important to set up your PS3-System on the main window, on the grounds that PS3 ISO TOOLS will make some pre-choices depending on that.
  • You can group batch convert the majority of your PS3-Folder-Format-Games when you select your game chronicle as source-envelope.
  • If you select a FAT32-drive as the focus for folder format to ISO-format change the resulted ISO(s) will be part even without choosing the split-option.
  • Every single other tool, except for ISO-Patcher, bolster group task also. Just multi-select the ISOs you jump at the chance to process.
  • As default ISO-name(s) won’t contain extraordinary ASCII-characters 0-31, 126-255 and furthermore. This is also to keep away from issues with webMAN.
  • After change/extraction, a log-file will be appeared, which looks at size and number of files/folders.
  • ‘Appropriate’ fixing is possible just for 3.55, because ps3-private-keys over 3.60+, which are required for marking, are not yet released to the public.
Some Tips about PS3 ISO Tools:
  1. On the off chance that you’ve chosen to remove “PARAM.SFO” and “ICON0.PNG” while changing over to ISO-format, the 2 files will be set hidden as “[ISO-name].SFO” and “[ISO-name].PNG” at target-folder. In the event that you utilize webMAN duplicate these 2 files (per game) to “/dev_hdd0/tmp/wmtmp/”. This will spare you the push to mount each game in any event once to influence webMAN to show its game icon.
  2. Ensure game folder or any file inside the game folder isn’t opened in any capacity before beginning conversion.
    Also, the aborted batch conversion could be preceded. Effectively completed transformations will be skipped.
  3. Two compress files will be made while fixing. They will be put away in 2 distinct folders named “ORIGINAL_FILES_ARCHIVE” and “PATCHED_FILES_ARCHIVE”. One contains reinforcements of the original files which needs fixing.
  4. Furthermore, the other one the fixed files. Also, keeping in mind the end goal to reestablish simply unfasten the compressed file containing the first files to the game folder and you’re finished.
  5. First, attempt your game(s) without the introduced game update(s).

So, this is all about PS3 ISO Tools v2.2. After download just extracts the files on your PC desktop. All the software and tools I shared you with without bypass any survey. Further, if any file needs the password to extract then I mention the password just below the download link on the download page.

Summary:- Finally I hope that you got the complete information about PS3 ISO Tools. Further, if you have any query then write to me. I will replay back to you with the best possible solution. Please like and share my Facebook page and also subscribe push notification for regular updates on games and software for free.

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